a few more months of marlow
Seven months brought us:
wrinkly nose face.
three tootsie pegs.
holding our hands and walking.
that smile you give us when you haven’t seen us in a while, and we suddenly re-appear.
With eight months you were:
pulling yourself to stand.
flapping your arms like a baby bird in excitement.
laughing when daddy and I kissed.
oh… and you had one tootsie peg more.
At nine months old we made a new home for ourselves.
You were obsessed with exploring the new flat, and spent all your time crawling at speed from room to room.
Your favourite sound was ‘dada-dada’.
You could pull yourself to stand.
Yet another tooth.
At ten tremendous months old you:
love to point.
walk along the sofa edge.
evening walks with your papa bear.
snuggling in bed with us.
Eleven months has brought us:
lots of tears unfortunately when I went back to work. But trust me angel you don’t miss me half as much as my heart yearns for you.
You climb up the stairs at your nanny’s house.
You are obsessed with WOTSITS!
and you pull this new face where you stick your bottom lip over your top lip and look a right muppet!
Twelve months young:
You love animals.
You give us (and your dollies) kisses and hugs on demand.
You can entertain yourself for ages now with wooden toys - and love popping items into and out of baskets or holes (and the odd flower-pot!)
You have grown into the most brilliant, smily little human bean; and gosh! We love you so very much.