five months of marlow
Marlow Autumn you are such an integral part of our family. I honestly never really think twice about life before you because I feel like I wasn’t truly living until you came into our lives. I love motherhood. This month was valentine's and you were the best little valentine gift I ever could have asked for, and the most precious thing your daddy could ever have gifted me. Happy valentine's baby girl.
This month brought lots of new things to remember:
You started sticking that little tongue out ALL THE TIME and blowing bubbles.
I had a tickle in my throat and coughed which you found hilarious, so our newest form of entertainment is to pretend cough - it gets you in BITS!
You can't keep your eyes off your cousin Freddie and all your other baby friends. In our baby sensory class you spend most of the hour staring at the other babies on either side of you.
When you want to be held by either your daddy or me, you reach your arms out toward us.
Your newborn head of hair has officially fallen out leaving you bald (as I imagine I will soon be too if my postpartum hair loss doesn't pack it in!)
I am convinced you are going to be crawling in no time - you adore lying on your tummy and lifting yourself up.
Still the strangest baby I know.. you love to lick glasses, and lie over my legs with your head upside down.